Still trying to extricate myself from the physically oriented world, no news is good news, or as Ben Stein says 90 percent of us still have jobs, and that's a good thing! I find it curious that though the pundits tell us the world economic disaster is brought on by lack of faith in the system and negative feelings around the issue, and yet all we get in the world news is how much everything sucks. It seems if we humans were only half bright, we would use the news to flood the world with positive news about the financial situation and bring about world prosperity. But....as my son says, "you can't help stupid". Then we have the medical systems of the world, based mainly on what medical science has to offer....very little main stream consciousness raising with reference to mind power, faith in one's body to heal itself, and just what a grand thing it is to opt out of the greed-based Medical Systems of the world. So much more to rant about here, but my tea is done steeping and I have to do a photo shoot...so will add more later, about being a spirit based human fueled by the higher powers, instead of a self-limiting physically based human lost in an archaic dead system that no longer works. Tune in and drop out, we hippies used to say, and I am still working on it. It's hard going when there is so much programming everywhere taking away our freedom of thought. Time is short!
Not really...there's plenty of it! If we aren't here on Earth, we'll be elsewhere working on stuff. All is well. Why is it that we humans spend most of our lives trying to secure ourselves against all sadness and tragedy, when they are a big part of what we came here to experience and learn from. You can't paint a picture without shadows and dark deep accents of some sort, or it has no depth. We are afraid, so we try to batten down the hatches, when we should be busy about the business of finding within ourselves the strengths we need to work through the bad times along with the good. Most of modern day business is about securities, how comical really. When we find a cure for one dis-ease we must of course find another to replace it, to maintain the proper level of tension in the picture we are painting. Yet, we beat our heads against the same brick walls time after time. How futile.
We have the drug companies trying desperately to make us paranoid about our bodies, so that we will run to the doctor for all sorts of tests, to secure our health, when there is no such thing. The funds from the drugs and tests they say we need fuel our own slavery to this physical system. We live in such an amazing realm, so full of diversity and lushness, truly a miracle every day! How water, air and the elements combine to create this phantasmagorical Earthly existence that we perceive, magical in essence, yet we get caught up in mundane things, not taking the time to actually see, and certainly never considering how vital it might be to teach our children the same. "Look inside yourselves", all of the holy writings say. That isn't some flowery rhetoric. Just as we can look out into the sky and question what we see and what it is all about, so we can look inward, as the world there is just as big and full of wonderment, and I'm not just talking about molecules and atoms, but about spirit and the places we go during our sleep to recharge for the next day. We discount that, saying it is only dreaming. Yet you would think that since we spend one third of our time there we might consider how very important it must be, that our very physical world depends and springs from it, the spirit world. I have gone there, out of body, and that is not hokuspokus, it's just as real as being awake on the physical Earth. I walked around and felt the walls, the air and the ground with my non-physical senses and remembered it all very well when I snapped back into my body. I talked with those there and they said, "She's visiting, astral projecting" and they talked and laughed with me. I was as alert and aware of myself there as I am here as I type.
Every day I think physical on and off...then say, ooops, I forgot....and pull myself back on track. I create my world with my beliefs, not the other way round, the world creating itself with me an innocent bystander. Be very careful what you think, as the more you think it, you give it energy enough so that it springs into your physical realty. The more you worry about losing your job, the more likely you will be to lose it! There are many mansions inside for us to investigate and delight in. Think on the Australian Aborigines and their dream time beliefs, the ones we haven't had the pleasure of wiping from their mass consciousness yet. We try so hard to get rid of our lost spirit base, by annihilating it in every civilisation we come in contact with. We are afraid of it, our lost connections.
I wonder when string theory and alternate realities will open the doors to our lost abilities, when we will start to find ourselves once again, and quit with the sad games of greed and acquisition we now base our world upon. Seth says until we learn how to time travel every planet we go to will be uninhabited, as we will either get there before or after others like ourselves have been there. He also says we don't need machines to fly. We just think we do, therefore we must make the machines to carry us, when we once roamed freely through this world and others as spontaneously as we breath. The Holy writings predict the end of this age, the world as we know it. Out of the turmoil will come the Golden Age. I hope I live long enough to really see it popping loudly, louder than it is even now with global warming and ice caps melting. It does excite me and make me filled with happiness knowing it to be so. I have had longtime lovers that knew each other, and they told me their biggest mutual complaint about me was that I was too happy! Ha! I Like that.
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