Sunday, January 25, 2009

What do you think?

It seems that every time I turn around, I am hit with the Israeli Palestinian issue. I read a book, Queen Noor, and it is there. I think I am going to read about a Grace Kelly like story, but no, it's about Jordan and the intense part it has played out in the Palestinian issue. I read a book, The Emperor's Children, thinking it is about NYC, then 9/11 enters as a major player in the end, bringing up the Palestinian issue. It haunts me, and I am waiting to see how Obama will react. He will care enough and know what is going on there, and I am sure he will end the US support of Israel's horrid betrayal of Human Rights. There is more and more about this in the BBC news and on PBS, which is very heartening, but still little on the US networks. Why? Israeli war machine special interests? See ICC Investigating Israel War Crimes. More on this later....I could rant, but I will pray instead for now.