Thursday, March 5, 2009

Answers to Palestian Issues

This graphic says, "We are all Gaza" and is shown in support of the Palestinian people.

This two part post needs some work, but you have it in the rough for now.

A personal note: The Palestinian issues are very upsetting for me. It all makes me so angry I could spit. America tax payers are supporting Israel! When I first watched the movie, Munich, I enjoyed it as I actually felt good seeing Palestinians suffer. I felt it was just desert after 911, as I blamed the Arabs for same. My daughter and Jewish daughter-in-law told me there was more to this issue than I was aware of, and that there was a human rights movement in Israel in support of the Palestinians. I never consciously wished to become aware of came to me, and the horrors of it do not leave my mind. Most of daughter-in-law's family live in Israel. Her cousins have served or are serving in the Israeli army as demanded. It is my understanding that her family also believes that the Palestinian Human Rights are being horribly violated there. My daughter-in-law and I have talked of these things. We talked of the abused growing up to be abusers, and how the cycle must be broken.
* Check out the PBS video, Journey to the occupied Lands.

So I have to suppose from your answer that if your mother suffered a cavity search while trying to visit her relatives, or that your sister's home was demolished with one days notice, or that you were beat up mercilessly by Israeli soldiers while trying to graze your goats on ancestral lands as you have done since childhood, that you would not also feel like becoming a suicide bomber? What about the thousands of Israelis that are working for human rights against their governments treatment of the Palestinians? Do you think them all idiots? Have you ever watched a video of what the Israeli soldiers are actually doing in Gaza and the West Bank? If you had would you really think the USA could learn from that kick-ass country? I certainly hope not.

What!? yes, the Israelis did tear down some of their settlements and forced their citizens to leave, including most of Gaza....By the way...they did not remove all settlements/people from either territory.
In August 2005, Israel had forcefully evicted illegal settlements in the southern Gaza Strip but retained control over the borders, the land, the airspace, the coastline and the underground water. Reality is that 1.5 million people in Gaza have been living under Israeli occupation since 1967.
Very commendable. I have seen the videos, and they are heart wrenching and certainly make one feel for the Israelis in those situations, although the settlers acted like criminals in light that they were being asked to leave in a peaceful manner by their own elected government, to right wrongs that had long been perpetrated against the indigenous population . One would hope that the Israeli Government was planning to continue the process to remove ALL illegal settlements. I think not. More likely their government knew that if they made token efforts, the peoples of the world would see them and think them righteous and leave alone their continued expansionist policies. One video shows Israeli settlers from the US stating that they have to expand into those lands as there is not enough room for them all unless they do, and that the holy writings of history say they are the true owners of those lands. The Israeli maps do not even show Gaza and The West bank... the land is ALL ISRAEL WITH NO PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES SHOWN. Consider that the settlements are illegal in the first place, and that the Israeli government felt that if they gave up some settlements that they would be vindicated, and then could continue their confiscation of other Palestinian lands in the West Bank in a grand scale along with their superbly inhumane occupation of Gaza. Israel uses every Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists act to justify their continued expansion into the already severely limited Palestinian inhabited areas, and that is exactly what you are buying into. Israel has created the terrorism vented against itself, cavity searches (do you now what that means?) at checkpoints, Israeli soldier brutality and demolition of Palestinians homes and many more human rights violations too numerous to mention. This violence will not end until human rights are restored for ALL peoples in the holy lands. Do you really think that thousands of Israelis involved in the Human Rights Movement in Israel are just barking up the wrong tree? B'Tselem, just one of the any Israeli groups working for Human rights, even supplied Palestinians in the West Bank with video cameras to document the horrendous human rights violations. Do you not think they really know what is going on at the hands of their so-called righteous government? I don't think we are getting the same information, but it is all there, readily available for all those that wish to seek it out.

And, to answer your comment "Judenrein".....Jews could have been living peacefully in Palestinian territories, including Gaza, if they respected the Palestinians and their property, but they don't and you know it. The Israeli soldiers evict them from their homes, settlers move in and take them over or demolish them, just one of the many horrid human rights violations. The Jews now control more than 3/4 of the Palestinian lands through occupation. I think they have shown that they can't be proper neighbors and are incapable of sharing lands, and that is one of the many reasons a two state solution is the only answer.

In answer: A lot has happened since 1922, that the maps of Israel do not show. Time goes on and new mandates are made, like Partition. Do you think denial of the progression of events helps to create peace? The Palestinian Territories should be shown out of respect for truth and history.


  1. You wrote: "including most of Gaza (By the way...they did not remove all settlements from either territory)."

    That should be "all" of Gaza. It's Judenrein. Arabs get to live in Israel; Jews can't live in "Palestine". That's fair?

  2. You write: "The Israeli maps do not even show Gaza and The West bank... the land is ALL ISRAEL."

    Well, it's all Eretz-Yisrael, the Land of Israel, not the modern political state of Israel. But back in 1922, all the world recognized the right of Jews to "close settlement" on all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Iraqi Desert, that is, all of modern-day Jordan which was the territory of the Palestine Mandate.

    So Israel is correct in not showing Gaza, Judea and Samaria as separate entities.

  3. I posted my replies to your comments in my blog much to say about them and how narrow minded they appear to be to me, that I wanted my answers out there in the posts, in front with complete visibility.

  4. Dear Quirky leftest progressive,

    The issues are complicated but let's deal with just one.

    Throughout the centuries, Jews, in greater and lesser numbers, lived in their ancient homeland. By the mid-1800s they were the majority in Jerusalem. They lived in Gaza, in Nablus, in Hebron, in Jenin, in Safad and by the 1880s began new agricultural communities. As a result of the various politics of the Mandate period, partitions, pogroms and what not, Arabs took advantage of a supposed "colonial" movement (how can you be colonialist in your own country?), Arabs who are descendants of those who conquered and occupied this territory in 638, and attempted ethnic cleansing, succeeding in exiling the centuries-old Jewish community of Hebron in 1929 killing 69 in the process, expelling Jews from Gaza city that same year as well as Nablus and Jenin at the same time.

    In 1947, they tried to completely eradicate the nascent state of Israel, authorized by a UN resolution as the "Jewish state" in a reduced partitioned area.

    Is this the people you want to support unreservedly and accept their propaganda claims without checking?

    That's really quirky.

  5. I may be quirky and leftest and am by no means an authority, but have read extensively and talked these issues over with my Jewish daughter-in-law , so please don't think me a passive uninformed thinker. I am not saying the Jews have no rights to some of the land, just as the Palestinians do. I know they have thousands of years of history there. This has all been going on forever....many thousands of years. I am only alarmed at the horrid Jewish treatment of the Palestinians, the Jews taking advantage of their "colonial movement" in their supposedly own lands. The struggle continues, who did what and when does not justify any of it. I hold Israel to a higher standard, as the Jews are, I believe, an amazingly righteous people, and I do not think that most Jews are any happier with what the Israeli Government is doing today, than I am or any other aware peace-loving people are. Read the review about (just posted here in my blog) and the book, The Holocaust is Over, by Avaham Burg. He says it all, and he is a brilliant Israeli who loves his country. Only love and kind consideration can win the hearts and souls of the Arabs in the region and stop the violence, not brutal force. Israel will ultimately pay severely for it's approach to the situation, just as it is today with the lack of security it has inadvertently created for itself....aggressive settlements, walls and armaments will never win security.

  6. One last thought, the people you say I so unreservedly support (I don't support their violence but understand it in light of the fact they are dealing with the Israeli War Machine) are not Israel's biggest threat to the nascent state of Israel. They need not be nor are they even capable of being same, for Israel is it's own biggest threat to that nascent state.
