She has six brothers, who take care of the yard and shovel snow and help her father with carpentry projects. She isn't allowed to help or touch a tool, for fear she will grow up wild and not make a proper wife. She is taught to clean house, do laundry and iron, to take care of her baby brothers and cook. She hates it all, except for the baby brothers. She loves them and caring for them but wants a childhood. They all enjoy the go-cart track on weekends, but she is only allowed to watch. That's for boys. Her grandmother gives her a fancy new broom for her birthday party with all the little girls in their party dresses watching, and gives her new lace under pants whenever she washes out the cupboards. She is taught not to whistle, "Whistling women and crowing hens, are for the barnyard and not for men." They all stand up to pee...she tries and is told she must sit and that someday she will grow a penis. Her blood boils with it all, and she resents it violently, more and more as she grows up. The sex-typing of a little girl is not a pretty thing. No wonder she grows up to be a Hot Tamale, ready to tear the world apart, and run as fast as she can to FREEDOM and never, ever allow herself to be held back!
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