I'll get to these images later. I love to read, even more than I like movies. The words take me out of myself and I can imagine places and things as clear as if they were happening to me. But.....sometimes my thin skin takes it's toll. I have to be careful lest I throw myself into dark moods. In a Baha'i prayer one of the lines is "I will not dwell on the unpleasant things in life". That does help...also a Sethie mantra, "I only respond to constructive thoughts" helps me not to project bad things into my life, as I have a tendency to let my mind cook up the most horrid scenarios, Goddess knows why! I believe we get what we think about, so if you are busy thinking of all possible negative situations and how you can avoid them, or take care of them if they do evolve into being, stop it! Just don't think them up in the first place. Seth says the mantra mentioned above guards us against negative thoughts while we are learning not to think them.

This all comes to mind as just yesterday I had to stop reading "Reading Lolita in Tehran" by Azar Nafisi. It twisted me up inside. I became morose and freaked out, posted a freaky blog post which I quickly removed, about what the world expects of women, which seems to be a hot topic for the men of the world and the concern for some bizarre women as well, along with just how they can all manage to bring about compliance.
Here I have toned that blog post down...In Iran the women must cover themselves in heavy black chadors and go through inspections by revolutionary guards, to insure that the chador fabric is heavy enough, that they have no make-up on their faces or in their bags, to insure that no hair is showing, and that there is no pro-western paraphernalia present on their person. Some Muslim women like the black cloaks and head scarves and we must respect that, right? Never mind that they can't feel a cool breeze ever on their skin. By the way, Ahmadinejad says "There are no homosexuals in Iran"! Ha! The book tells of how the liberals and students fought for the revolution and ended up with a monster of a regime they never anticipated...so we best watch our steps carefully when we're fighting for change...and be damned sure we know we're going in the right direction...as we surely are with Obama. To continue on my female image rant.... here, in most parts of free America, women are suspect if they don't show enough proper femininity. What the heck is that all about? Humanity being majorly confused, me thinks. It's all upside down and inside out...and it is truly amazing that we girls manage at all to be as amazing as most of us are. Why does anyone, female or male, have enough time and energy to even bother with such things? They must not be busy enough with the personal business of living their own individual lives to be bothered with such pastimes. Boredom, that must be the problem. And....we all know if we are "thinking" beings, that there is no excuse for being bored in a world as rich as the one we find ourselves in. But...is that not that the problem with all the world's woes? Paint a picture, write a poem or a book, sing a song, dance a dance and leave others alone, to do the same as they so wish. Get out of the way so we can play.