My dear friend in Australia writes this:
"I am obsessing about your election. It is crazy but I have never taken such an interest in any election - not even one of ours!!I answered along with some intense thoughts of how fearful I am about the possibility of those totally scary individuals, McCain and horrid Palin in the White House!
If Obama doesn't win, I will feel deeply disillusioned, so I can only imagine how devastated his supporters over there will feel. If he can't win now, in these circumstances, there's no hope of a better world for any of us. I read bits of your papers (well, mostly the Washington Post) and have been watching Jim Lehrer on PBS. Things look promising for him and the polls look good, but I still feel nervous. What do you all think is going to happen? Is anyone quietly confident? I do hope it is decided on the night and you don't have to wait for recounts, absentee votes and legal challenges. Ugh!!"
"Interesting that you say there is no hope for any of us, even globally.....if Obama doesn’t win. I think you may be right. Pretty scary. Remember what Emma Goldman said about voting. Either there is enough good in the world that we will turn it all around and will be able to bring Obama in to grow a new age, or there isn’t enough good and the whole thing will tumble with that crazy lady and man in the White House".
We must ask ourselves, as Americans, how we can find someone like Palin in a position to possibly end up as President of the United States? A vote for McCain is a vote for her. McCain may be a patriot but is also a misguided and truly naive soul, offering little more than constant bashing of Obama and fear mongering. His choice of Palin as a running mate negates any hope that he can manage the presidency well for America! He does remind me so terribly much of Bush, promising further tax breaks for big business and belief in the outworn trickle down philosophy, which does not work, as time has shown. How can there be so many intelligent people actually voting for McCain and Palin? They say she will be prominent in national government even if McCain doesn't win. It is surely a sign that America is in travail, floundering under pressure to find herself again. Let us only hope that there is human love and time enough to turn it all around, with Obama's help. Get out and vote! Goodness must outweigh corruption and the politics of fear in our government. The world awaits with eager arms to embrace us as the world leader we have been in the not so distant past, inspiration for all peoples of the world once again.
Right on Mom, tell it! Did you watch Obama's informercial? We're watching it online. Heart-warming. :)