Rant: Sarah Sucks...
Check this out
I think the Palin thing is insane. I'm not talking the person, but the total concept. Although the person is pretty damned scary in so many ways. Check this out Americans seem struck dumb or just plain scared by our governments propaganda, which for one thing, has successfully brain washed many of us into being so scared of all Arabs we are out of control... and somehow many now see Obama as an Arab out to get us, mere bigotry and prejudice crap. Who could imagine that we would get a woman so terribly freaky in a position to be President!? How lost are Americans that they could be so duped? My God!
Yes, the world should vote for the American President!
Check this out What a great idea! Protect us from ourselves, scared little idiots that we seem to be. I still think the World is in travail, and has a lot of horrid stuff to go through before we turn it all around, just too much corruption and greed all around. We all have to find our spiritual roots again. I don’t know why Obama’s world appeal has not been a more important factor in the presidential race, as you would think it would be the most positive thing, his amazing universal charisma and the world support for America he would generate. A friend in Australia mentioned that she had heard that Palin was foisted upon McCain....I thought just another stupid move on his part but maybe he did have creative help thinking up this fire cracker! And go figure why Americans responded so positively rather than with the appropriate horror.Check this out
I think the Power People are so so scared of Obama raising taxes on the rich and threatening the Great Machine, that they are pushing Palin and desperately hoping that she will bring the votes to McCain, to maintain the status quo and continue the Travesty in Washington, making the working class pay for the rich and their greed. Now Bush is trying to scare us into believing that if we don’t go for his HUGE Wall Street buy out, our economy will fall into a great depression....oooh I am so scared! That Blankety Blank Blank and all his rotten cohorts. Grrrrrrr.....McCain More of the Same treads ever onward....too naive to realize he is a pawn. Drug companies inspire more fear with hundreds of daily commercials pushing drugs they say we need to have good lives, so we can sleep well and not worry or think as we are led to slaughter working our butts off.....keep those Americans sedated and make millions on the drugs.... keeping the Great Fear/Money Machine going for the rich while it's execs in the government/pharmaceutical/medical/insurance conglomerates switch high bucks jobs back and forth like psychotic leap frogs playing hop scotch. Meanwhile Americans are slaving to make ends meet and too wasted and scared to really figure out what is going on. Are we not a lot more like the human batteries in The Matrix than we would like to think? There are many alternative sources for news on line, but too few are are driven to find them, or have the energy or clear-mindedness to bother. The network news only releases what the forces in control of this realm want them to release....and most of us don't want to see how things really are as we are scared enough already. Thus Freedom in America is. Thank God, I believe in our Angels and know in my heart that all this crap will stop soon enough, and that the world will transform. All great societies that become greedy and corrupt fall, and The World Machine will fall as well, then the little people of heart and soul will prevail. They are building their base all over the world. It is good to maintain a sense of Humor.
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